We always welcome TaeKwon-Do schools from North America, Europe, Africa, Oceanic & Asia to join our family of Advanced TaeKwon-Do International (ATI).
Some of the objectives of Advanced TaeKwon-Do International are to further enhance the technical competency of our licensed instructors, and to help them better understand the martial skills and philosophy embedded in the art by Gen Choi Hong Hi.
We are happy to address any queries that you might have. Please be assured that all correspondence between us are private and confidential. Thank you.
Grand Master Lim
Grandmaster James Lim began his studies of TaeKwon-Do in 1965 under the direct supervision of Pioneering Grandmaster of TaeKwon-Do Choi Chang Keun (CK Choi) in Malaysia. In 1969, he further his training under another founding pioneer of the art, Grandmaster Kim Jong Chan (JC Kim). In 1972, he relocated to Toronto, Ontario and studied under Grandmaster Park Jong Soo and began his instructor career in 1975. Grandmaster Lim opened the very first ITF TaeKwon-Do school (Dojang) in St-Rose, Laval, Quebec, Canada where he still conducts TaeKwon-Do classes to this day.
In 1980, Grandmaster James Lim embarked on a journey that took him all over Canada and United States, as an assistant to Gen. Choi Hong Hi, the founder of ITF TaeKwon-Do. The team were instrumental in the “sine wave” introduced by Gen. Choi, demonstrating the new art at seminars. The next 16 years, Grandmaster James Lim travelling around the world with Gen. Choi, teaching and promoting the art of ITF TaeKwonDo. In 1984, he was appointed Director of the ITF and in 1989, the Chairman of the ITF Technical Committee. Grandmaster James Lim continues to pursue his art and vision with ITF, his effort eventually culminated in the formation of Advanced TaeKwan-Do International (ATI).
Grandmaster James Lim now actively leads the organization as the President of ATI. A 9th Degree Black Belt, he has spent his entire life training others and promoting the advanced art of TaeKwon-Do around the world. He assists member schools in the growth of their businesses and their membership, offering personal guidance to TaeKwon-Do students everywhere and helping all members of Advanced TaeKwon-Do to excel and succeed in all the aspects of their martial arts journey. Grandmaster Lim is a pivotal figure in the history of TaeKwon-Do and an inspiration to all who love the art.

Grandmaster James Lim with the late founder of ITF TaeKwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi.

Grand Master James Lim attend the last itf International Instructor course on the 22nd April 2001, given by Gen. Choi
in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada